Monday, February 22, 2016

Project 03 Additive & Subtractive Method of Representational Forms


Draw on a total of 3 pages (11"x17")- with THREE (minimum) drawings per page. You can add more if you like.

Pick one of the following topics per page (topics cannot be repeated): 

- Insects 
- Automobile
- Industrial Props
- Robotics

Your drawings must be in simple shapes, in accurate perspective with a horizon line above them. (Use simple block shapes to create form; do not include textures or details; smooth-surface planes.)

You must draw in a two-point perspective, showing your ability to draw through the object.

When finished with your drawings, you must indicate lighting; use shading to create form and position. (Do not cross-hatch for shading! Only hatching solid values or gradients)


Additive/Subtractive Shapes Demo
Bug 01 Demo
- Bug 02 Demo
- Drawing Angled Fins/Wings in 2 pt. Perspective
Vehicle 01 Demo (in Photoshop; still very helpful)
- Vehicle Demo 02 (in Photoshop; still very helpful)

How to Draw Accurate Tires in 2 pt. Perspective
(Remember, wheels are just cylinders; and a cylinder exists in every box/cube)


Project 02 Additive & Subtractive Method with Simple Shapes


On one page (11"x17", draw 3 different primitive shapes, draw through the shapes, and start to add and subtract sections from the forms. Use your understanding of proportional division and finding bisecting axises to create accurate looking measurements in 2-pt. perspective. See sample below.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Project 01 Drawing Line, Shape, and Form Digitally



- Begin with practicing a series of drawing exercises on white draft paper The following requirements are the MINIMUM requirement. Remember, 1 PAGE = Front & Back :
  • Fill 1 page with the Lines exercises covered in class
    • Front- Straight Line Practices
    • Back- Conjoined Line Practices
  • Fill 1 page with Arches & Waves exercises covered in class
    • Front- Arches
    • Back- Waves
  • Fill 2 pages with the Circles & Ellipses exercises covered in class
    • Front- Edge-to-Edge Circle/Ellipse Rows
    • Back- Various Circle/Ellipse Practices
  • Fill 1 page with the Rectangles & Triangles exercises covered in class
    • Front- Rectangles
    • Back- Triangles


- Create a chart of 16+ textures that you can apply to later organic and man-made objects
- Gradate each texture from (left --> rightdark to light, small to big, controlled to chaotic, etc.
- Create the following textures in order:
  1. Round Scales
  2. Woven Hatch-marks
  3. Interlaced Circles
  4. Pedals/Plant Seeds
  5. Rings/Donuts
  6. Jagged Scales
  7. Cobble Stone
  8. Dark Patches
#9 - 16. Your Choice (consider researching other textures other artists have used successfully)


- Practice a series of drawing exercises on white draft paper to use line to indicate form:

  • Fill 2 pages of different organic shapes with multiple number of axis (1-4 axis)
    • Draw to "see through the form" by adding contour lines to them
  • Fill 2 pages of all the primitive shapes in different angles/positions
    • Draw to "see through the form" by adding contour lines to them
  • Fill 1 page with Dissections of organic contour forms
    • Add interior and exterior textures to "skin, layers, and cores" of the forms

  • Try to add varying line weight to your silhouettes (bold vs. thin)

Introduction Assignment to Drawing in Sketchbook Pro

Here are samples of basic shapes drawn in perspective with a horizon Line (HL).
We will be drawing the following shapes in multiple views in perspective with a horizon line.

  • Cube
  • Sphere
  • 3-sided Pyramid
  • 4-sided Pyramid
  • Cone
  • Cylinder
